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공지사항 > 상세화면

[신청] 해외 박물관 객원 큐레이터 파견 프로그램

  • 등록일 2009.07.20
The Foundation supports the dispatch of curators specializing in Korean art to overseas museums to promote effective management of Korean galleries and train Korea specialists.
APPLICATION GUIDE                                                          
Applying museum should qualify under one of the following conditions:
• Foreign museums with a significant collection of Korean relics or art works, yet
without a Korean art major curator
• Foreign museums that are in need of classifying or cataloging their Korean
collection (short-term visiting curator)
• Foreign museums that are planning to execute projects related to Korean art and
 culture within two years and seek for a(n) (assistant) curator in preparation for the
 abovementioned projects (short-term visiting curator)
* Museums that have installed the Korean Gallery through the funding of the Korea Foundation will be subject to a separate eligibility screening based upon the Agreement on the installation of the Korean Gallery between the museum and the Foundation.   
Expenses Covered under Program
(1) The Foundation directly funds the following for visiting curators:
• Salary
• Round-trip economy class airfare
• Research expenses (if needed, upon evaluation)
(2) The applying museums are required to provide the curators with the following:
• Housing accommodation
       • Office space and equipment
• Insurance (negotiable)
• Other (i.e. training fee)
Evaluation Criteria / Key Considerations
• Intention to employ a full-time Korean art major curator after the expiration of the program
• The size and quality of the Korean collection
• Evaluation of previous Korean art-related activities
• The extent of cost-sharing by applicant (such as insurance, training fee, etc.)
• Primarily determined based upon request by the applying museum (maximum 2 years)
 * Extension negotiable during the program
• If the museum wishes to maintain the visiting curator position for more than 3 years, the museum should consider opening a permanent Korean art major curator position after the expiration of the program.
Application Submission
Refer to the attached application file for the application form and detailed instructions for preparation and submission.
(Please submit application and supplementary material in a digital file format with the original copy – use CD-ROMs or E-mail)
Application Schedule
• Application Deadline: Postmarked by August 14, 2009.
• Results Notification: Announced on the Foundation website or individually notified via E-mail by the end of August.
Evaluation Procedure
• Primary Evaluation
Eligibility will be evaluated by a review, and ineligible applicants will be excluded, for which separate notification will follow.
• Secondary Evaluation
 An evaluation committee comprised of experts will carry out an evaluation according to the assessment criteria of the Foundation
• Recruitment of the curators
 Once museums are selected, the Foundation will start recruiting curators according to the
preferred qualifications the selected museums suggested.
* Details modified after the submission of the application must be reported.