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The 2019 ASEAN-ROK Commemorative Summit Slogan Contest

  • Date Apr 24, 2019

The 2019 ASEAN-ROK Commemorative Summit will be held on 25(MON) – 26(TUE)  November 2019 in Busan, the Republic of Korea(ROK), to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Establishment of ASEAN-ROK Dialogue Relations. It will be a landmark diplomatic event, signifying the importance of partnership between ASEAN and ROK.
* ASEAN : Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei Darussalam, Viet Nam, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Cambodia

Preparatory Office for 2019 ASEAN-ROK Commemorative Summit, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of ROK, is pleased to announce a slogan contest and encourages your participation. The Preparatory Office is seeking a slogan to help promote the significance of the Summit. The slogan should be provided either in Korean or in English.

Monday, 22 April – Friday, 10 May 2019 (19 days)

The slogan should commemorate 30 years of ASEAN-ROK cooperative ties; suggest future-oriented messages; be concise and catchy; and be written either in Korean or in English. Please refer to the following information.
- ROK will be the first country to host three commemorative summits with ASEAN. 
- In 2017, the ROK government proposed the ASEAN-ROK Future Community Vision, “People-Centered Community of Peace and Prosperity” ” – during the 19th ASEAN-ROK Summit. 

* References
- 2009 ASEAN-ROK Commemorative Summit Slogan
English: “Partnership for Real, Friendship for Good” (Korean: 따뜻한 이웃, 번영의 동반자)
- 2014 ASEAN-ROK Commemorative Summit Slogan
English: “Building Trust, Bringing Happiness” (Korean: 신뢰구축, 행복구현)
- Thailand (Chair of ASEAN for 2019) launched the ASEAN Cultural Year 2019, and the theme of its ASEAN Chairmanship is “Advancing Partnership for Sustainability”.

Anyone who is interested in ASEAN-ROK cooperation

All entrants must submit their slogans using the attached entry form. Provide your slogan either in Korean or in English.
* Submit to eycho19@mofa.go.kr (up to two slogan proposals can be submitted per person)

- Third-Place Winners     :
(first 100 entrants) Voucher or Prize Equivalent to USD 10
- Second-Place Winners   :
(top 10) Voucher or Prize Equivalent to USD 100
- First-Place Winner      :
(final one person) Certificate of Recognition Awarded by the ROK Foreign Minister
+ Round-Trip Business Class Flight Ticket to ROK
+ 2 Tickets for ASEAN Train Event

* ASEAN Train event provides an opportunity to visit major cities in ROK including Seoul, Gwangju and the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). There will be about 200 participants, and accommodation will be provided. 

The winner will be individually notified
 * The winning slogan will be used for official and other events of the Summit, particularly various promotional activities including posters, printed materials, homepage, banners, letterheads etc.

- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of ROK has intellectual property rights and authority for use of the winning slogan.
- The Ministry may decide to only use part of the phrase of the winning slogan, and in the evaluation process the winning slogan could be modified.
- Only the first submitter will be selected as the first-place winner in case there are other entries the same as the winning slogan.

Please contact Manager Cho Eun Young (+82-2-3441-6019) of 2019 ASEAN-ROK Commemorative Summit Preparatory Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROK

1. Entry Form
2. Consent to Collection and Use of Personal Information
3. Fast Facts about ASEAN



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