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Translating e-books into ASEAN LanguagesBooks International CEO Lee Hyun-jeong


Translating e-books into ASEAN LanguagesBooks
International CEO Lee Hyun-jeong

The French writer Sartre once said, “All that I know about my life, it seems, I have learned in books.” Reading is a learning experience for children and adults alike. We had a conversation with CEO Lee Hyun-jeong of Books International, an organization that presents the joy of reading by providing e-books to children in ASEAN countries.

Hello. Please say hi to the readers of the ASEAN Culture House Monthly.

ello. My name is Lee Hyun-jeong, and I run an international NGO that creates and distributes picture book content for children who need books in their native language. We signed an official MOU with the US headquarters of the Asia Foundation and provided our books free of charge to Let’s Read, the institution’s e-book library platform. Through this platform, our books are being read in Asian countries such as Cambodia, Nepal, Viet Nam, Thailand, Lao PDR, and Indonesia.

Could you tell us more about the e-books that you provided to ASEAN countries?

We have translated 18 books into the languages of ASEAN countries. I think all books are loved, but there is a children’s human rights picture book that school teachers especially liked. The book was planned and written based on the actual case where children’s voices made a significant contribution to changing the name “flesh color” to “light orange.”

When did you feel most worthwhile while providing books through e-book platforms in various countries?

The Asia Foundation’s official Indonesian social media account posted about picture books. Since 2014, the illustrator of those books, Kim Ha-eun, has been working on various projects with Books International. It felt even more special that a member of the Books International family was recognized. I am also very proud when I hear that people who have been passionately engaged in the project of making and distributing picture books as volunteers, as well as those who have worked as writers and illustrators, are using the digital library themselves. They are precious people who are essential for the survival of our organization, and who continue on this path with us for the common good.

Lastly, please tell us about the future goals of Books International.

In the spring of 2022, we expect to distribute books in Burkina Faso, Cambodia, and Tanzania. In the future, Books International will work in solidarity with like-minded people so that more children can dream of a promising future through high-quality picture books.
