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Why Indonesia? – A Look at the AEC Economic Powerhouse

Why Indonesia? – A Look at the AEC Economic Powerhouse

· Author: Jung-hwan Bang

· Publisher: UI Books (January 2016)


Following the foundation of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015, Indonesia has stepped into the global spotlight. It is increasingly drawing attention with its untapped market potential derived from its booming populace of more than 250 million. Author Jung-hwan Bang, a journalist-turned-business man, uses the book to lay out a map of the Indonesian market and all of its unlimited possibilities. He offers a plethora of detailed information, ranging from the overall structure of Indonesian society and the newly-emerging economy following the AEC’s founding, to precautions to heed when getting involved with local business operations. The book also covers the ins and outs of halal food and the Islamic tradition of Ramadan, as well as the nation’s growing tourism industry, while being sure not to leave out the impact that Hallyu has had on local communities.