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‘Hip ASEAN!’ Season 2 Released on YouTube


‘Hip ASEAN!’ Season 2 Released on YouTube

The KF ASEAN Culture House (KF-ACH) has released the second season of “Hip ASEAN!” on its YouTube channel, aimed at enhancing the general understanding of ASEAN culture among Korean and global viewers. The first season of the series was uploaded to the platform last year.

(최종) 썸네일_EP 1. 도전 인니마블_수정본_0913.png
(최종) 썸네일_EP 2. 추억식당_0915.png
(최종) 썸네일_EP 3. 왓츠 인 마이 캐리어_0915.png

Season 2 of “Hip ASEAN!” presents three videos, including one spotlighting Indonesia in celebration of the 50th anniversary of Indonesia-Korea diplomatic relations. The Indonesia special, titled “Indonesian Marble Challenge,” features a human-sized version of Blue Marble, a Korean board game similar to Monopoly. Other episodes include “ASEAN Memory Restaurant,” which introduces unique ASEAN foods, and “What’s in My Suitcase?” in which ASEAN locals recommend quality souvenirs in several price ranges.

This season of the series is hosted by travel YouTuber Park Jaeil (also known as “Channel Korean Jay”), who has produced travel videos on ASEAN member states such as Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand. In addition to Park’s various ASEAN-related anecdotes, ASEAN panelists provide interesting stories about their respective countries.

“Hip ASEAN!” Season 2 offers ample information delivered in diverse forms including discussions, games, and challenges. As of September 15, the series is available on the KF-ACH YouTube channel. For more information, please visit the KF-ACH’s social media channels.


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