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I Can Speak ASEAN

ACH News
I Can Speak ASEAN

ASEAN Culture House & Busan University of Foreign Studies

2020.5.11 (Monday) – 7.29 (Wednesday)


The third session of the ASEAN language lecture series I Can Speak ASEAN will open on May 11. A total of 155 applications have been received since March, with popular languages such as Thai and Vietnamese attracting so many applicants that enrollment closed early. Basic and introductory level lectures will be given at the ACH in five languages (The Myanmar Language, Cambodian, Malay/Indonesian, Thai, and Vietnamese), while intermediate level classes will be held at the Busan University of Foreign Studies. This is a departure from the first half of the year, when only two levels were available. With the expansion into three levels (basic, introductory, and intermediate), the number of classes has also been expanded to a total of 11. Accordingly, it is anticipated that students will be able to better learn and understand ASEAN languages under a more systematic educational program.


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