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“Meeting the World in Korea” Event

  • KF Volunteer Network News
  • “Meeting the World in Korea” Event

“Meeting the World in Korea” Event

The first snow of the winter season fell on November 26. This also happened to be the day of “Meeting the World in Korea” event. Three teachers from Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, and Jordan participated in the event and taught the children about their respective countries and the foods they eat there.
  The first dish we got to taste was an Uzbek food called somsa. It was strongly flavored with the spices that are typically used in the region’s cuisine, but the flavors complemented the meat, and the children enjoyed the dish. The Jordanian dish featured a tortilla-like bread that was well suited to Korean tastes, and the Azerbaijani grape and apple juice, which was very sweet, was especially popular with the children.
  The day’s event also included a market activity. The children were taught to say greetings in the languages of the countries they had learned about and purchased various things at the market. It was a meaningful opportunity for them to be introduced to the languages of diverse countries and also learn about new countries in a memorable way.

KFVN Reporter Lee Hyang-ho


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