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2019 KF Global e-School in Latin America Offline Workshop and CDC Meeting

KF Activities > 2019 KF Global e-School in Latin America Offline Workshop and CDC Meeting
2019 KF Global e-School in Latin America Offline Workshop and CDC Meeting

The KF will hold the annual offline workshop of its Global e-School in Latin America and CDC (Curriculum Development Committee) Meeting at the Autonomous University of Nuevo León in Mexico on February 25–27.
  During the CDC Meeting, members from each of the higher institutions running KF e-School programs in Latin American countries will share the current state of Korean Studies at their schools and discuss the management of the program and ways of improving it.
  The workshop, the eighth of its kind, will be attended by outstanding students and professors of participating e-schools and will offer special offline lectures and team discussions on a variety of topics.
  The upcoming workshop is expected to present a valuable opportunity to KF Global e-School students to share their interest in Korea with their fellow students from other schools and professors from various institutions.

The Autonomous University of Nuevo León, Mexico 2/25-2/27 Korean Studies Department 064-804-1114 yblee@kf.or.kr


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