Comforting Sunset on Jeju Island
Before moving to Jeju Island, I was not particular interest in nature. It was difficult for me to appreciate the natural environment while leading a busy life in a bustling urban environment, surrounded by familiar people and sceneries.
I remember my arrival on the island in May this year. After unpacking my belongings, I ventured out to the neighborhood, plodding along absentmindedly while thinking about the life I was beginning in a place away from home. I felt a bit awkward amid the unfamiliar people, sights, and sounds. I kept on walking, discovering trees that you would not see on the mainland, feeling the seaborne breeze, watching streets with no traffic, and admiring the blue sky. As my eyes gazed at the blue sea and fair sky in the distance, and the horizon between them, I realized for the first time in my life just how beautiful nature is. I was also overwhelmed by a sense of loneliness. Feeling lonely, I kept trudging on with my head down and listening to my favorite songs. When I raised my head, an amazingly wonderful sunset greeted me and I was inexplicably enraptured. The sunset seemed to comfort me, saying, “It’s all right.” From that day on, watching the sunset became a daily routine for me on my way home from work. Having seen the Jeju sunsets in spring, summer, and fall, I cannot wait to see the one in winter.
Sara Yoon
Senior Program Officer, Fellowships Department