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Application for 2018 KF Global Challengers

  • KF Activities
  • Application for 2018 KF Global Challengers


Application for 2018 KF Global Challengers

The KF Global Challengers Program is designed to nurture next-generation global leaders through the KF’s overseas network. The Challengers are given opportunities to complete internships at major policy-research institutes, museums, libraries, and colleges, where they receive practical training while broadening their horizons as global citizens. Detailed information is available on the KF website (www.kf.or.kr).

  Specific Qualifications Participating Institutes Period
KF Think Tank Internship Graduate students majoring in subjects relevant to each policy institute 6 institutes in 3 countries 4–9 months
KF Museum Internship Master’s degree holders majoring in art history or museum-related topics 7 museums in 2 countries 4–9 months
KF Library Internship Graduate students or bachelor’s degree holders majoring in library and information science 10 libraries in 2 countries 10 months
KF Korean Language Education Internship Graduate students majoring in teaching Korean as a foreign language, Korean literature, or Korean language education 10 institutions in 9 countries 1 or 2 semester(s)
  • note   Application Period: 7/10–31
  • human   Qualifications for All Applicants: Korean nationals under the age of 40 who meet the requirements for overseas travel

Event Schedule

  • date   7/10–31
  • call   KF Global Center


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