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2019 . 4 . VOL 184
A street festival featuring cultural performances of five Central Asian countries and Korea will brighten the heart of Seoul on April 27–28. The celebrations, to be held at Cheonggye Plaza, will be the highlight of the ongoing festival “KF Global Bridge I: Nowruz in Seoul” co-hosted by the KF and the Seoul City Administration. Celebrating this beloved Central Asian holiday, the event will provide a feast for the eyes, not to mention hungry stomachs. Along with the Nowruz celebrations, an exhibition of Central Asian arts was opened at the KF Gallery on March 20 and will continue until April 27. At the KF Seminar Room, films from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan will be screened, offering Korean moviegoers a rare opportunity to enjoy the cinematic works of this region. All members of the public are encouraged to join us as we share the distinct yet familiar cultures of these stunning Central Asian countries.
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