5th Korea-Singapore Forum to Be Held Online
On May 28, the KF and the S. Rajaratnam School of InternationalStudies (RSIS) at Nanyang Technological University will jointly holdthe fifth Korea-Singapore Forum online. Since its initial launch in2013, the forum, focused on a 1.5-track diplomacy initiative, has beenheld biennially, alternating the two countries and attended by Koreanand Singaporean leaders from various fields. It has contributed to thepromotion of bilateral exchange and improved future-orientedcooperation through its facilitated discussions about the twocountries’ major issues.
During this year’s forum, experts from Korea and Singapore will seekways of substantial cooperation in the post-COVID-19 era in twosessions that deal with such diverse issues as disease control andmanagement; the recovery and resilience of distribution networks;cyber security; and smart cities.