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Exhibition: ‘ASEAN Animals: Depictions of Animals in ASEAN Arts & Culture’

KF Activities>Exhibition: ‘ASEAN Animals: Depictions of Animals in ASEAN Arts& Culture’
Exhibition: ‘ASEAN Animals: Depictions of Animals in ASEAN Arts& Culture’

Dongjoo Seo, Caroline Reize, Rooah, Ken Pyun
Animal Beats
2021, 2-channel HD video,5-channel surround sound, 6’30”
Commissionedby ASEAN Culture House

Hanjin Cho
ASEAN Animals described by written words
2021, single channel HD video,2’55”
Commissioned by ASEANCulture House

Animals have always been present in the history of humankind. Theyoffer friendship and affection as close companions, and we also usetheir meat, hide and other products, and labor to support our ownsurvival. Over history, humans have attached special meanings tocertain animal behaviors to comprehend phenomena that could nototherwise be explained; this has led to the creation of stories inwhich animals play the parts of gods.

As the titleASEAN Animals: Depictions of Animals in ASEAN Arts & Culturesuggests, this special exhibition by the KF-operated ASEAN CultureHouse (ACH) takes a look at the animals that are closely related tothe lives of people in ASEAN. Providing in-depth reference materialsand artworks that engage the senses, the exhibition vividlyilluminates the partnerships that exist between people and animalssuch as chickens, cattle, and elephants, and presents the excitinglegends and myths represented by images of animals present in variousrelics and artworks.

This exhibition displays not only items from the ACH collection butalso some 70 s leased from the ASEAN-Korean Centre (AKC), theAsia Culture Center, and the Hahoe Mask Museum, as well as works byphotographer Hyunmin Cho, illustrator Yunwoo Shin, and video artistsHanjin Cho, Caroline Reize, Rooah, Ken Pyun, and Arisong Media DesignFactory. It invites viewers to explore a world of rich and uniquestorytelling and learn about the roles that animals hold in the dailylives of people in ASEAN.

4/30-8/1ASEAN Culture HouseSpecial Exhibition Hall 051-775-2024


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