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[The World in Korea] Ganghwa Anglican Church: Korea’s First Hanok Cathedral

KF Features > [The World in Korea] Ganghwa Anglican Church: Korea’sFirst Hanok Cathedral
[The World in Korea]Ganghwa Anglican Church: Korea’s First Hanok Cathedral

Ganghwa Anglican Church is stunning proof of the successfullocalization of Christianity in Korea, refuting the claim that allKorean churches are stateless architectural designs that have nothingto do with the nation’s traditional culture. Designated in Korea asHistoric Site No. 424, it stands tall in the hills of Mt. Gyeonja,presiding over the town of Ganghwa. It was dedicated in 1900 byCharles John Corfe, or Go Yo-han, the first Anglican bishop in Korea.Resembling a Buddhist temple more than a typical church, it featuresdesign aspects borrowed from Buddhism, one of the most time-honoredreligious credos in Korea, and its architecture.

Oesam-mun and naesam-mun, the church’s outer and innergate, may remind visitors of the corresponding iju-mun andcheonwang-mun present at many Buddhist temples. GanghwaAnglican Church also displays many other architectural touches thatreference Buddhist structures. However, its interior adopts the styleof Roman basilicas, with its high ceiling and corners decorated withwing motifs. The adoption of Western architecture inside theKorean-style wooden building reveals the sincere efforts of earlyAnglican missionaries to respect the local culture while keeping theirchurch’s functions intact.

An exquisite marriage of Eastern architecture and Western ideology,Ganghwa Anglican Church served as the center of evangelism in theGanghwa area until the 1910s, ordaining the first Korean Anglicanpriest, Kim Hee-jun, in 1915. The Korean-language ascertaining Kim’s ordination is currently preserved in the chapel.

Written by Lee Haeng-rim
Illustrated by EEWHA


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