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Korea-Central Asia Academic Exchange for Medical Cooperation

 What's On >  Korea-Central Asia Academic Exchange for Medical Cooperation
Korea-Central Asia Academic Exchange for Medical Cooperation

On September 19–20, the 2022 Korea-Central Asia Academic Exchange for Medical Cooperation will be held by the Korea-Central Asia Cooperation Forum Secretariat, operated by the KF, in conjunction with the 2022 Medical Korea in Kazakhstan conference. The exchange seeks to stimulate global cooperation in health and medicine, which has slowed since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to promote the capacity of Korea’s digital-based medical services. The event will be hosted by the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare and organized by the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI).

The academic exchange will be held in Almaty, Kazakhstan, together with the Korea-Kazakhstan Health Cooperation Forum, a promotional event for medical technology, and one-on-one export consultations. The purpose is to have more Central Asian patients seek medical treatment in Korea and provide opportunities for Korean hospitals and health care companies to make inroads in Central Asia.

Attended by health and medical care-related government officials, academics, and industry figures from Korea and the five Central Asian countries, the academic exchange will introduce Korea’s world-class medical technology and present cases of serious diseases in each of the countries. By sharing information on common diseases as well as Korea’s latest medical technology for treating severe cases and treatment examples, the event is expected to raise cooperation in health and medical care between Korea and Central Asia.

(대문+본문) 메디컬 코리아 한-중앙아 대사 초청 보건의료 간담회.jpg



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