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May 2023 EVENTS

May 2023 EVENTS
Seoul, South Korea
KF Korean Language and Cultural Program for Diplomats Kyung Hee University
March to November
Busan, South Korea
ASEAN Cooking Class with KF–ACH Visiting Program The KF ASEAN Culture House
Seoul, South Korea
“The Enchanted Loom” Exhibition KF Gallery
Busan, South Korea
Opening Ceremony of the ASEAN Digital Experience Zone & the Special Exhibition “Alternative Identities” KF ASEAN Culture House
Busan, South Korea
“Alternative Identities: Masks of ASEAN & Korea” - Special exhibition jointly held by the KF-ACH and UNESCO-ICHCAP KF ASEAN Culture House, Special Exhibition Gallery
Seoul, South Korea
“PLAYGROUND” – 2023 Central Asian Spring Festival in Seoul Cheonggye Plaza
Nantes, France
Festival Printemps Coréen Theater Francine Vasse, Cultural Space Cosmopolis
Seoul, South Korea
Workshop for International Exchange Program Officers KF Global Center
April to November
Busan, South Korea
Outreach Classes for Children 10 elementary schools in Busan
April to October
Seoul, South Korea
“Pale Blue Dot” – Opening Exhibition of the KF XR Gallery KF XR Gallery
May to September
Seoul, South Korea
KF Visiting Program through Ggoomgil KF Global Center


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