Training Workshop for Advance Global Citizenship
Already in its 15th year, the Korea Foundation Volunteer Network (KFVN) held its 79th training workshop on August 13. As the KFVN’s first major project, the training workshop series provides an overview of the network’s activities for new volunteers, who are then assigned to the World Activity Classroom, the Korean Culture Classroom, or the Education and Publicity Team. For the August workshop, the volunteers engaged in group discussions of a theme, “virtues that volunteers need to cultivate,” and expressed their ideas through drawings that they presented to the group, as an activity linked to the network’s Awesome Volunteer program.
On September 3, the 79th group of KFVN volunteers joined their predecessors to conduct a “Food Truck of Love” event, a five-hour session of volunteerism that relied on the active participation of international volunteers who had attended the preparatory meeting.
The KFVN’s final training workshop for 2016, which is scheduled for December 10, will be attended by the network’s 80th volunteer group.
KFVN Reporter Kim Kang-hee