KF Global Culture Tour: Japan The KF Global Center’s first class of the year will be “KF Global Culture Tour: Japan.” It will be held for six weeks (February 23–March 30). Organized in partnership with the Japan Foundation, lectures will provide a general overview of Japanese culture under various themes such as art, history, travel, literature, and food. In conjunction with the class, the KF Gallery hosts the exhibition Photographic Images and Matter: Japanese Prints of the 1970s, offering visitors a closer look at modern Japanese print art. It will be a chance for the participants in “KF Global Culture Tour: Japan” to gain a richer appreciation of the diverse attractions of Japanese culture. Date Subject Lecturer 2/23 [Introduction] An Overview of Japanese Culture Park Jeon-yull, Professor Emeritus, Chung-Ang University 3/2 [Arts] Exploring Japanese Prints (*Held in conjunction with exhibition) Choi Jae-hyeok, Art Critic 3/9 [History] Tradition and Modernity in Japan Ha Jong-moon, Professor, Hanshin University 3/16 [Travel] Japan as Observed by a Travel Writer Lee Hyung-jun, Photographer and Travel writer 3/23 [Literature] The Merits of Japanese Literature as Seen by a Translator Min Kyung-wook, Translator 3/23 [Comparing Korean and Japanese Culture] Understanding Korea and Japan through Their Culinary Cultures Kim Sue-hyang, Owner of Café Sukara
Event Schedule KF Global Center 19F Seminar room 2/23–3/30 7:30 p.m.–9 p.m. KF Global Center 02–2151–6520 kf_lecture@kf.or.kr