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[공지] 제98차 연세-KF 한국학포럼

  • 조회수 175
  • 행사기간 2010.04.26 - 2010.04.30
  • 등록일 2013.12.24

제98차 연세-KF 한국학포럼이 2010년 4월 29일(목) 저녁 6시, 연세대 국제학대학원 새천년관 702호실에서 개최됩니다. 동 포럼은 영어로 진행됩니다.

- 발표: Dr. Luc Walhain(Assistant Professor of History at St. Thomas University, Canada)
*09년 재단 체한연구펠로

- 주제: U.S. military bases in Korea: The true story of a massive cash cow

Biography | Dr. Luc Walhain is Assistant Professor of History at St. Thomas University in Canada. He has received a Korea Foundation Fellowship for Field Research to conduct his study on U.S. military bases in Korea. His other research interests include Korean History, student and civic movements, democracy and social justice, and social history.

Abstract | As happens typically around foreign military bases elsewhere, U.S. bases in Korea have given rise to prostitution, violence and environmental damage. However, this study examines a less known corollary of foreign military bases: trafficking. Black marketeering has been thriving around American bases in Korea, and has been so serious at times that some top military officials have stated that it could be threatening the military preparedness of the USFK. A historical study of this acute phenomenon in Korea seems to indicate that neither the Korean nor American governments have resolved to put an end to this trafficking in commodities and human beings. Indeed, the network of U.S. military bases in Asia has served as a natural conduit to globalise the illegal dealings. What is at stake In which ways have U.S. military bases been a massive cash cow What are the socio-economic implications

연세-KF 한국학포럼은 재단 체한연구 펠로 및 국내외 한국연구학자 등 체한연구 중인 해외 학자들에게 정기적인 논문발표 기회를 제공함으로써 국내외 학자들간 네트워크 구축 및 연구주제 관련 정보 공유가 가능토록 2001년 가을부터 10년째 재단 지원과 연세대 국제학대학원 주관으로 학기당 5회 연간 총 10회 개최하고 있습니다.