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The Sixth KF Global Seminar: Korea's Role in Global Public Diplomacy

  • 조회수 50
  • 행사기간 2013.11.21 - 2013.11.21
  • 등록일 2021.05.13
The Sixth Korea Foundation Global Seminar

● Theme: Middle Powers and Public Diplomacy: Building a Network for the Global Public Good
● Date: November 21(Thur)-24(Sun), 2013
● Venue: Lotte Hotel Seoul, Konjiam Resort
● Host:The Korea Foundation

Panel 3 Korea's Role in Global Public Diplomacy

● Moderator: Byung Jong LEE(Professor, Graduate School of International Service, Sookmyung Women's University)

● Presenters
Jinwoo CHOI(Professor, Department of Political Science and Diplomacy, Hanyang University)
Young Sam MA(Ambassador for Public Diplomacy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Philip SEIB(Professor of Journalism and Public Diplomacy, University of Southern California)

● Panelists
Pal HATOS(General Director, Hungarian Balassi Institute)
Jean TAN(Executive Director, Singapore International Foundation)

For more information of the Global Seminar, please visit KF website as follows: