- 일시: 2019년 10. 2. - 11. 1.
- 장소:kf갤러리
- 주최: Host
KF는 중미통합체제(SICA) 7개국대사관과 함께 오는 10월 2일부터 11월 1일까지 전시 ‘중미와 카리브의 색’을 서울 중구 수하동 소재 KF갤러리에서 개최한다.
중앙아메리카지역의정치·경제·사회문화적통합을목표로 1991년결성된중미통합체제
(Sistema de la Integracion Centroamericana, 약칭 ‘SICA’)는국가간단단한결속력을통해
여러분야에서긴밀한협력관계를강화해나가고있다. 총 7개국(과테말라, 니카라과, 도미니카공화국,
엘살바도르, 온두라스, 코스타리카, 파나마)이참여하는이번전시에서는보는이들의마음을
사로잡는수려한카리브해풍경, 고대마야문명이남긴유적지와문화유산, 원주민의전통
생활양식과외래문화가뒤섞여발현된독특한문화가담긴사진 56점을선보인다. 동전시는
같으면서도각기다른개성과특징을함유하고있는 7개국이그간쌓아온역사의층위를예술로
승화시킨장으로서, 각나라별민족의식과삶의모습이투영된사진을통해중미지역고유의
전시기간동안강연, 중미커피시음회등다양한연계행사를비롯해 ‘KF 컬러링라운지’를상설로
운영한다. 컬러링은준비된도안에관람객이직접채색해그림을완성하는것으로, KF갤러리를
방문하는관람객에게 7개국을상징하는이미지와풍경을채색하는경험을제공한다. 창의력을
“The Colors of Central America and the Caribbean,” an exhibition held by the Korea
Foundation in cooperation with embassies of 7 SICA countries (Sistema de la Integracion
Centroamericana), runs from October 2 to November 1 at the KF Gallery.
The Central America Integration System (SICA) was established in 1991 to foster the
political, economic, social and cultural integration of countries in Central America and
expand cooperative relationships in various sectors to strengthen solidarity among
member states. Featuring 56 photographs from seven SICA countries (Costa Rica, the
Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama), this
exhibition reveals Central America and the Caribbean’s magnificent landscapes, the
historical sites and cultural heritage of the ancient Mayan civilization, and the traditions
and cultures of the countries’ indigenous peoples.
“The Colors of Central America and the Caribbean” is designed to introduce visitors to
the progressive development of SICA and the distinctive cultures of these seven countries.
The photo exhibition also aims to raise the Korean public’s awareness of the countries’ art,
history and society and offers visitors an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the
aesthetic sense and charm of Central America and the Caribbean.
In conjunction with this exhibition, the KF also offers several events, including special
lectures. At the KF Coloring Lounge, visitors can color images symbolizing the seven
SICA countries. It is a great opportunity to learn more about the region’s history and
culture by exploring its architecture, fauna and flora through art.
중앙아메리카의평화와민주주의, 경제적안정등의확대를목표로중미정상들이온두라스의수도
테구시갈파에모여정치, 경제, 사회문화적통합을촉구하는 “테구시갈파의정서(중미기구헌장
개정의정서)”에서명하였고, 1993년 2월중미전체를포괄하는새로운형태의정치?경제
코스타리카, 엘살바도르, 과테말라, 온두라스, 니카라과, 파나마의정상들이현재의중미통합체제
설치에먼저합의하였고, 그뒤벨리즈, 도미니카공화국이합류함으로써회원국이 8개국으로
늘어났다. 이후멕시코, 브라질, 칠레가준회원국으로참여했으며중국, 스페인, 독일, 일본은지역외
옵서버로참여하고있다. 중미통합체제는유엔총회에도옵서버자격으로참가한다.
WHAT IS SICA?The Central American Integration System (SICA) is an institutional framework that was
formally established on December 13, 1991, with the signing of the Protocol to the Charter
of the Organization of Central American States (ODECA), also known as the “Tegucigalpa
Protocol”, which amended the Charter of ODECA, signed in Panama on December
12, 1962, and formally came into operation on February 1, 1993.
This system for integration and cooperation was established between Costa Rica, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama. Subsequently, Belize joined afterwards
as a full member, and in 2013, the Dominican Republic did likewise.
The SICA initiative was widely supported by the United Nations General Assembly (Resolution
A/48 L of December 10, 1993), with the Tegucigalpa Protocol being duly registered
with the UN, allowing its bodies and institutions to be invoked and to interact
with the United Nations System.
The system was designed considering past attempts for regional unification as well as
lessons learned from a history of political crises, belligerent conflicts and dictatorial rule
in Central America. These considerations, coupled with internal constitutional transformations
and the flourishing of democracy in the region, were contemplated in establishing
the fundamental ive of fully integrating Central America and transforming
it into a region of peace, liberty, democracy and development, based firmly on the
respect, tutelage and the promotion of human rights.
주요 작품세묵참페이 Semuc Champey,과테말라 Guatemala
토로후아코 Toro Huaco,니카라과 Nicaragua
콜롬버스성 Alcazar de Colon도미니카공화국 Dominican Republic,
국립화산공원 Volcano Complex National Park,엘살바도르 El Salvador
18 토끼 Eighteen Rabbit, 온두라스 Honduras
코스타리카인의결속 Costa Rican Solidarity,코스타리카 Costa Rica
엠베라케라 Embera Quera,파나마 PanamaKF 컬러링 라운지KF COLORING LOUNGEKF갤러리벽면에설치된컬러링도안과컬러링페이퍼에색을입혀나만의컬러를찾아보세요!
안내 Information
10/16 (수)
안내 Information
안내 |
내용 |
전시기간 |
2019.10.2-11.1 매주일요일및공휴일휴관 |
운영시간 |
월(Mon)-금(Fri) 10:00 - 19:00 토(Sat) 10:00 - 16:00 |
도슨트투어 |
월(Mon)-금(Fri) 12:30, 15:00, 16:00, 17:30 토(Sat) 12:30, 15:00 |
문의 |
www.kf.or.kr facebook.com/kfglobalcenter |
주최 |
한국국제교류재단 The Korea Foundation
중미 7개국(과테말라, 니카라과, 도미니카공화국, 엘살바도르, 온두라스, 코스타리카, 파나마) 대사관 |
전시장소 |
KF Gallery
서울시중구을지로 5길 26 미래에셋센터원서관 2층 West Tower 2nd FL., Mirae Asset CENTER1, 26 Euljiro 5-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul (04539) |