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Public Diplomacy Projects

Program Outline

In order to contribute to strengthening public diplomacy capacities and increasing awareness of public diplomacy, the Korea Foundation implements the KF Public Diplomacy Program with the participation of the general public of Korea. This program provides support to public diplomacy projects voluntarily organized by Korean citizens, and provides young Koreans with a basic education on public diplomacy and opportunities to experience public diplomacy through youth camp activities designed for the younger generation.

Go to KF Application Portal

Target Group

Korean citizens, young adults (in their 20s- and 30s, including foreign residents in Korea), and high school students interested in public diplomacy

Program Details

Title, KF Public Diplomacy Projects, KF Young Public Diplomatic Corps, KF Public Diplomacy Youth Camp
Title KF Public Diplomacy Projects
Target Projects / Participants Public diplomacy projects organized by Korean citizens
Period From confirmation of participants until December
Summary Support provided to public diplomacy projects planned and organized at home and abroad by Korean citizens
Support Amount Up to 20,000,000 won (pre-tax) per project
Major Activities
  • Support for public diplomacy projects
  • Orientation
  • Basic education on public diplomacy (4 times a year)
  • Meeting for final report
Selection Process Applications accepted via the KF Online Application System

Logo Application

The Public Diplomacy Academy logo must not be altered in any way and its aspect ratio must be maintained at all times.


The logo is provided in a Korean and an English version. Use only one version at a time.

KF국민공공외교 국문로고타입 이미지

Korean Logotyle

KF국민공공외교 영문로고타입 이미지

English Logotype

Clear space

The logo should always have a minimum amount of clear space left around it on all sides. The grey KF logos placed on all sides indicate the adequate spacing.

KF국민공공외교 국문로고타입-단색표현 이미지

Korean Logotyle - Monochrome

KF국민공공외교 영문로고타입-단색표현 이미지

English Logotype - Monochrome

Minimum size

The logo must always be legible, even when used at small sizes. The height of the logo should be no less than 9 mm for the Korean version and 13 mm for the English version.

Color Palette

The primary color of the KF Public Diplomacy’s logo is brown. Additional colors (black and white, gray) are also provided for use.

Pantone 187C #AD172B

Process Color : C2 / M100 / Y91 / K14

RGB Color : R173 / G23 / B43

Pantone 7540C #4A4F55

Process Color : C69 / M59 / Y52 / K33

RGB Color : R74 / G79 / B85

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