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Traditional Korean Costume (Hanbok) Fashion Show at the Australian National University (ANU)

  • 조회수 203
  • 행사기간 Nov 09, 2015 - Nov 09, 2015
  • 등록일 Nov 09, 2015
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Traditional Korean Costume (Hanbok) Fashion Show at the Australian National University (ANU)
A fashion show to introduce the traditional Korean costume Hanbok was presented at the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra, the capital city of Australia, on September 22, 2015. Popular Korean models, including Jang Yoon-ju, displayed the graceful beauty of Hanbok, based on a theme of Korea’s four seasons, to some 1,300 local students and residents in attendance.

Of particular note, the city of Canberra has been noticeably receptive to Korean pop culture, which has been steadily gaining popularity among the Asian immigrant groups who reside there. The fashion show was the first-ever effort to introduce the traditional Korean costume to the public in a full-scale event, although Korean culture in general has been somewhat publicized through multicultural community events.

As part of the “Korea Festival in MIKTA” program organized by the Korea Foundation, the fashion show sought to highlight the rich diversity of Korean culture to audiences in Australia, a member country of MIKTA, a consultative grouping of five middle powers: Mexico, Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, Turkey and Australia.

In addition, the Korea Foundation will also be staging performances of traditional Korean music with a fusion style in Mexico and Australia, along with Korean Studies lecture sessions in Mexico and Indonesia, in November and December. Through the presentation of Korea-related cultural performances, Hanbok fashion shows, exhibitions, academic programs, and social responsibility activities in the major cities of MIKTA countries, the Foundation seeks to boost Korea’s cultural exchange and mutual understanding with members of the MIKTA group.


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