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Future PD

[Invitation] Future Exchange Program with China in the Fields of Culture and Tourism

  • 조회수 184
  • 행사기간 May 12, 2010 - Dec 31, 2010
  • 등록일 Dec 24, 2013

As part of the program, “Future Exchange Program with China” 14 prominent individuals from China will visit Korea from May 17 to May 21 by invitation of the Korea Foundation. They are persons mainly from the Chinese central or municipal governments and public institutions in the fields of culture and tourism, who are currently playing key roles in China.

During their visit to Korea, participants will be briefed and have discussions on the Korean government’s policies and current issues related to culture and tourism at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MOFAT), the Ministry of Culture, Sport and Tourism (MCST), the National Palace Museum of Korea under the Cultural Heritage Administration (CHA), Korea Tourism Organization (KTO), Korean Culture and Information Service (KCIS), Seoul Tourism Organization and the Korea Cultural Heritage Foundation (CHF). They will also visit the Korea National University of Arts and the National Library of Korea to gain a better understanding of advanced education for artists, and the preservation and the promotion of intellectual heritage in Korea.

In addition, they will have an opportunity to visit the Korea-China Friendship Association to discuss ways to promote mutual exchange between the two countries, and to learn firsthand about various aspects of Korea by visiting cultural facilities and historical sites in Seoul.

Through the “Future Exchange Program with China,” the Korea Foundation annually invites distinguished individuals from China by group in accordance with the participants’ specific field of expertise in order to enhance the mutual exchange and collaboration in the field between China and Korea, and promote the participants’ understanding of Korea. This year the Foundation will invite four groups from the fields of culture/tourism, media, economy/trade and public security, respectively.


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