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Korean Studies

Korea Day Successfully Held at Ruhr University Bochum in Germany

  • 조회수 194
  • 행사기간 Jul 04, 2017 - Jul 04, 2017
  • 등록일 Jul 04, 2017
Korea Day Successfully Held at Ruhr University Bochum in Germany
The Korea Foundation provided support to Ruhr University Bochum to help organize its third “Korea Day” event on June 24, 2017.

Korea Day (Korea-Tag) was first held in 2015 in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Bochum University Institute of Intensive Language Training, in an effort to introduce Korean culture to both students on campus and the general public. The number of students in Korean Studies has since grown to 167, and the university has been closely collaborating with nearby institutions, including the University of Duisburg-Essen and the Technical University of Dortmund, in the field of East Asian studies.

Prior to the main event, the university hosted a reading of contemporary Korean poetry in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Korea Bonn Branch Office on June 22, introducing a variety of contemporary Korean poems. Korean poets Park Sang-sun and Mun Hye-jin read selected works to the public, followed by remarks from fellow poet Lee Su-myeong. To conclude the event, a question and answer session was held.

About 900 people attended the Korea Day event in total, with participants able to enjoy a range of programs highlighting the many facets of traditional Korean culture, including its costume, calligraphy, wedding ceremonies, tea ceremonies, taekwondo, paper crafts, archery, food, language, and poetry. Special lectures were given on each of these themes at 16 different indoor and outdoor venues.

It is hoped that in the years ahead Korea Day will continue to grow in popularity, helping the public to gain a better understanding of Korea and its culture, establishing an invaluable window into Korean life.
* Bochum University Institute of Intensive Language Training website:

Date/Venue: Sat. June 24, 2017 / Institute of Intensive Language Training, Ruhr University Bochum
Hosted by: Institute of Intensive Language Training and Department of Korean Studies, Ruhr University Bochum
Supported by: Korea Foundation


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