As part of the 2013 Korean Language and Culture Learning Program for Diplomats implemented by the Korea Foundation, 48 diplomats from 42 countries paid a visit to the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs on April 4, 2013.
They are currently participating in the program for three months from March 4 through May 29 to study Korean language, culture and society. The visit to the Ministry and talks with Korean diplomats were specially arranged to help the foreign diplomats better understand Korean diplomacy.
The diplomats from various countries were first welcomed by Cultural Policy Division Director Hong, Jin-Wook (공공외교정책과장 홍진욱) at the Briefing Room on the second floor of the Ministry building. Director Hong said the foreign diplomats would be able to acquire correct understanding about and build trust in Korea by learning Korean language and culture in Korea and getting first-hand experience of the various aspects of Korea. He also emphasized his Ministry′s effort in public diplomacy to make the charms of Korea known to the world.
The foreign diplomats then toured the Ministry building at the guidance of Secretary Dewey Moore (듀이무어 서기관) dispatched from the U.S. State Department to the Cultural Diplomacy Division (공공외교정책과) of the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Divided into regional groups, they also visited the South Asian and Pacific Affairs Bureau, the Latin American and Caribbean Affairs Bureau, the European Affairs Bureau, and the African and Middle Eastern Affairs Bureau, and conversed with the heads and staff of the Bureaus to widen the scope of mutual understanding.
Finally, wrapping up the visit to the Ministry, they had a luncheon hosted by Cultural Affairs Bureau Director-General Hahn, Choong-Hee at a nearby Korean restaurant and had talks with the Korean Foreign Ministry officials.