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KF-USC Center on Public Diplomacy Online Seminar on COVID-19 and Public Diplomacy

  • 조회수 187
  • 행사기간 May 06, 2020 - May 06, 2020
  • 등록일 May 06, 2020
KF-USC Center on Public Diplomacy Online Seminar on COVID-19 and Public Diplomacy
On April 17, the Korea Foundation and the University of Southern California’s Center on Public Diplomacy (USC CPD) held a co-organized online seminar entitled “Crisis Management and Public Diplomacy during Corona Virus: Lessons from South Korea.”

Korea Foundation President Lee Geun and Dr. Jee Youngmee, former Director-General of the Center for Infectious Disease Research of the Korea National Institute of Health, spoke on the challenges and opportunities COVID-19 presented to South Korea’s public diplomacy, and on the South Korean response to the pandemic, respectively, at the one-hour-long seminar moderated by USC CPD Director Jian (Jay) Wang.

Held in the middle of the global outbreak of COVID-19, the seminar was a meaningful occasion to share the South Korean response to COVID-19, which has received global attention, and to emphasize the need for international cooperation from the perspective of public diplomacy.


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