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22nd Korean-German Forum and 12th Korean-German Junior Forum Held in Dresden, Germany

  • 조회수 44
  • 행사기간 Sep 04, 2024 - Sep 06, 2024
  • 등록일 Sep 27, 2024

From September 4 to 6, 2024, the Korea Foundation jointly organized the 22nd Korean-German Forum in Dresden, Germany, together with the Korean-German Society and the Deutsch-Koreanischen Forum.

The forum began with congratulatory remarks by Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol read by Korean Ambassador to Germany Lim Sang Beom, and a video message by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. From the Korean side, about 20 experts in politics, diplomacy, civil society, business, climate change, and key areas of technology including AI participated in the event. These participants included Kim Gheewhan, President, Korea Foundation; Kim Young-jin, President, Korean-German Society; Park Jin, former Minister of Foreign Affairs; Kim Sun-uk, President, POSCO TJ Park Foundation (former President of Ewha Womans University); Lim Sang Beom, Korean Ambassador to Germany; Kim Heejung, Member of the National Assembly of the ROK, People Power Party (former Minister of Gender Equality and Family); and Kim Young-bae, Member of the National Assembly of the ROK, Democratic Party of Korea. From the German side, more than 25 leaders from various sectors participated, including Martin Dulig, Chairman, German-Korean Forum (Saxon State Minister for Economic Affairs, Labor and Transport, and Deputy Prime Minister); Frank Hartmann, Director General for Asia and the Pacific, German Federal Foreign Office; Annette Knobloch, Director for East Asia, German Federal Foreign Office; Heike Baehrens, Member of the German Bundestag and President of the German-Korea Parliamentary Friendship Society; and Lars Rohwer, Member, German Bundestag.

These experts from various sectors joined together at this year’s Korean-German Forum to discuss ways of cooperation between the two countries. Based on the results of their discussion, they wrote policy recommendations to both countries’ governments on the last day of the event. Concurrently with the 22nd Korean-German Forum, the 12th Korean-German Junior Forum was held with the participation of about 50 university students and young leaders. It served as an occasion for experts and future generations from both countries to participate together in discussion.


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