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[Fellowship] 2009 Fellowship for Field Research

  • 조회수 322
  • 행사기간 Jul 15, 2008 - Sep 13, 2008
  • 등록일 Dec 24, 2013
Fellowship for Field Research -Program Objective The Fellowship for Field Research program supports prominent foreign scholars and professionals to undertake field research in Korea. -Eligibility +Doctoral candidates who have completed all academic requirements, except their dissertations; +Professors, lecturers, or professional researchers currently employed at universities or research organizations, engaged in Korea-related research course-lecturing or research. (Preference will be given to those with specific research plans, such as for publishing a book or research paper.) +Professionals in culture and arts related to Korea (e.g., museum curators, librarians, government officials in charge of Korean affairs, etc.) ( Notes ) +Candidates must possess adequate proficiency in Korean or English to conduct research in Korea. +For Korean nationals, only those granted with permanent residence abroad or serving in a regular faculty position at a foreign university may apply. +Field of Project/Study/Research +Those conducting research or serving in the fields of humanities, social sciences, culture and arts related to Korean studies or Korea-related research. -Ineligibility +Those specializing (majoring) in the fields of natural sciences, medicine or engineering; +Those presently studying or conducting research in Korea; +Those aspiring to improve their Korean language ability or attend regular courses at a university in Korea; +Those awarded the Korea Foundation Fellowship for Field Research within the past three years. -Grant/Fellowship Terms and Amount +Research stipend (monthly-based) Doctoral candidate level: 1,700,000 Korean won Assistant professor/lecturer level: 2,200,000 Korean won Full/associate professor level: 2,700,000 Korean won +Settling-in Allowance: 300,000 Korean won (one-time benefit) +Economy-class round-trip international airfare +Travelers' insurance (reimbursement for medical expenses incurred due to illness or accidents during the fellowship period) -Grant/Fellowship Period 1 ~ 12 months -Application Procedure +Application Materials Application form (supplied by the Foundation) Curriculum vitae: Personal and academic data which includes: information of academic degrees obtained (with disciplines, titles of theses or dissertations, and dates the degree were received); record or recent and present employment status; previously received grants and fellowships; and, the list of publications and research presentations performed. Research proposal: Summary of proposed research (at least three pages, single-spaced), which includes the following information: Description and objective of proposed research; Significance of proposed research in terms of disciplinary concerns as well as its relevance to Korean studies; Description of research methods and materials; Progress report on proposed research up to current date; Specific schedule to execute proposed research; Necessity of field research in Korea. Three letters of reference One letter from the head of the applicant's institution (e.g., university president, dean, department chairperson or institute director); One letter from an individual capable of evaluating the applicant's research proposal (e.g., guidance professor or someone with equivalent qualification; for doctoral students, this letter should be from the dissertation advisor); One letter from a Korean scholar or specialist in the related field who will serve as the research advisor in Korea. Copy of most recently obtained academic degree Evidence of current employment or enrollment Graduate school transcripts (doctoral candidates only) -Application Preparation Instructions +All required materials for application must be submitted in Korean or English, otherwise, a Korean or English translation is needed to be submitted. +The application form must be typed or printed clearly by the applicant, while other hand-in materials must be typed. -Deadline Date July 31. 2008. -Screening September. 2008. -Notification of the Grant October. 2008 (individually notified via postal mail). -Submission of Report +Final Report Requirements +Fellowship recipients are required to submit research reports (supplied by the Foundation) or other research materials resulting from the fellowship. -Obligations +Those being awarded the fellowship are required to reside in Korea and undertake proposed research projects on a full-time basis without engaging in any improper activities, including gainful employment. +Those being awarded the fellowship cannot receive any other fellowship or grant simultaneously. -Please note: +Applications that do not satisfy the listed program eligibility requirements may be excluded from the screening process. +Failure to submit complete application forms or required materials may disqualify an application without any prior notice. +Applications that arrive after the deadline (July 31) will not be processed for screening. +Submitted applications and attached documents will not be returned after the submission. +The Foundation cannot provide housing, research facilities or office space. Thus, if needed, the awardees should make necessary arrangements before coming to Korea. Contact Fellowship Program Department E-mail: fellow@kf.or.kr Tel: (82-2)2046-8537 / Fax: (82-2)3463-6075 Address: The Korea Foundation 10F Diplomatic Center Building, 2558 Nambusunhwanno, Seocho-gu, Seoul, 137-863, KOREA


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