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Announcements > 상세화면

The 12th Korea-Japan Forum

  • Date Aug 27, 2004
The 12th Korea-Japan Forum will be held at the Shimonoseki Grand Hotel, Japan, on September 13-16, with the participation of 44 representatives from the legislature, business, media, cultural, and academic sectors of the two countries, under the co-sponsorship of the Korea Foundation and Japan Center for International Exchange (President: YAMAMOTO Tadashi). The two delegations, led by GONG Ro-myung and MOGI Yuzaburo, will discuss “Domestic Socio-Political and Economic Developments in Korea and Japan and their Implications on Korea-Japan Relations," "Political and Security Developments in Northeast Asia and Prospects for Korea-Japan Cooperation," "Evolution of East Asia Regional Integration and the Prospect for Korea-Japan Cooperation," "Toward Dramatic Enhancement of Korea-Japan Exchange Activities and the Role of Diverse Actors in Korean and Japanese Societies."


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