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Contribute an Essay on Koreana!

  • Date Dec 15, 2008
Contribute an Essay on Koreana!
Readers are invited to submit interesting stories or memories related to Koreana, the quarterly magazine on Korea’s culture and arts published by the Korea Foundation. Prize-winning essays will be published in the summer 2009 issue of Koreana. Eligibility for submitting entries: All readers of Koreana Application Due Date: By the end of March 2009 Announcement of Winning Entries: During the first week of May 2009 winners will be notified individually and their names will also be posted on the homepages of Koreana (www.koreana.or.kr) and the Korea Foundation (www.kf.or.kr) Prizes: Essays awarded the first and second prizes will be published in the Summer 2009 issue. First Prize ........ Korean cultural artifact ....... One person .......................... worth US$400 .............. ...... (from all language participants) Second Prize ..... Korean cultural artifact ...... Eight persons ........................... worth US$200 ...... .............. (One in each language) Third Prize......... Korean cultural artifact ........ 20 persons ........................... worth US$50 ...................... (irrespective of language) Subject Matters: - How and where you first encountered Koreana - Personal experiences concerning the reading of the magazine - Changes in your awareness and knowledge of Korea and the Korean peoples after reading it - Reviews of specific columns Languages for Application: English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic Essay Length: - English, German, French, Spanish, Russian: two A4 pages (Arial; Font size 12) - Chinese: two A4 pages (SimSun; Font size 12) - Japanese: two A4 pages (Mincho, Font size 12) - Arabic: one and a half A4 pages (Arabic, Font size 12) How to Apply: Submit your essay to the e-mail below, including your name, postal address and e-mail address. - E-mail: koreana@kf.or.kr - Homepage: www.koreana.or.kr - Postal address: The Korea Foundation (Koreana) Seocho P.O. Box 227, Seoul 137-863, Republic of Korea * E-mail submissions are preferred. Typewriting or block letters are preferred for essays submitted through regular mail or fax. Inquiries: - E-mail: koreana@kf.or.kr - Fax: +82-2-3463.6086 * Copyright for submitted essays will be held by the Korea Foundation, and their publication in Koreana and any other materials is considered to be agreed on.


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