KF 세계영화주간 KF Global Film Week
신청처: KF 홈페이지 / 신청기간 3/25 (Mon) PM 2:00~3/31 (Sun) PM 6:00 / 참석발표 4/1 (Mon) PM 3:00 이후 / *사전 신청자 대상 무료 관람
This event is free of charge. Guests are required to register in advance. Please apply at www.kf.or.kr. Applications are open from March 25 (2:00 pm) to March 31 (6:00 pm). Selected participants will be announced on April 1 after 3:00 pm.
- 4/3 도스톤 서사시 The Art of Doston Narration in Uzbekistan (2017) 우즈베키스탄 Uzbekistan 다큐멘터리 ary | 40 min 감독 이크볼존 멜리크지에프 Iqboljon Melikuziev
- 우즈베키스탄 도스콘 노래꾼들의 노래 방식은 지역에 따라 세 가지로 분류된다. 이번 다큐멘터리는 세 지역을 대표하는 노래꾼들의 공연과 삶의 방식, 전승 모습과 더불어 전통악기 제작 과정을 보여준다. Uzbekistan has three regional styles of doston performance. This film includes representatives of all three schools. We learn about their lifestyles, master-apprentice traditions, and processes to prepare certain musical instruments.
- 4/10 비단천 이야기 Tajik Textile Crafts (2017) 타지키스탄 Tajikistan 다큐멘터리 ary | 40 min 감독 Director 딜로바르 술토노프 Dilovar Sultonov
- 중앙아시아의 솜씨 좋은 예술가인 타지크인들은 까마득한 옛날부터 전통공예를 발명하고 보존해왔다. 그 중 가장 인기가 높은 공예는 옷감, 그중에서도 주로 비단을 짜는 것인데 각 지역에 따라 고유한 특성들을 간직하고 있다. The artful Tajiks of Central Asia invented and preserved their crafts and traditions since ancient times. One popular craft among the people is textile weaving, mainly silk weaving, which has its own local features throughout Tajikistan. Atlas and adras silk fabrics as well as chitgari (block-printing) made with natural colors are known in northern Tajikistan while gulbast is known in southern regions.
- 4/17 40일 잔치 Rituals Dedicated to Children (2017) 키르기즈스탄 Kyrgyzstan 다큐멘터리 ary | 32 min 감독 Director 굴나라 알리바예바 Gulnara Alybaeva
- 아이들과 관련한 의식들을 다루고 있다. 영상은 아기가 태어난 지 40일이 되는 날을 축하하는 다양한 행사를 소개하며, 이들 각 예식이 아이의 일생에 가지는 중요한 의미와 세월이 흐르며 변화한 방식, 현재 거행되는 의식들을 보여준다. This film is about rituals related to children. Knowledge holders talk about the significance of each ritual in a child’s life cycle. The film shows how there rituals are conducted now and how they have evolved over time.
- 4/23 호두나무 Walnut Tree (2016) 카자흐스탄 Kazakhstan 스릴러 Thriller | 92 min 감독 Director 예를란 누르무캄베토프 Yerlan Nurmukhambetov
- 카자흐스탄 남부의 한 마을에서 온 젊은 커플 가윗과 아이술루는 사랑에 빠지며 결혼을 계획하고 있다. 하지만 지역 전통에 따르면, 신랑은 미래의 신부를 훔쳐야 한다. 친구와 함께 신부를 훔치기로 결심하는 가윗, 아이술루 또한 동의했지만 부모님들은 아직 모르는 상황. 가윗과 아이술루, 친구들이 시작하는 모험은 장엄한 결혼의 대미를 향해 시작된다. Gabit and Aisulu, who live in a small village in Kazakhstan, are in love with one another. Following the ancient tradition, Gabit decides with his friends to abduct Aisulu, to which she has already agreed. But the bride’s parents, unaware of the youngsters’ intentions, are against the wedding. This is where the adventures of Gabit, Aisulu and their friends begin. Walnut Tree provides an affectionate and humorous glimpse into the lives of people living in an intimate community.
- 4/24 약속의 땅 The Promised Land (2011) 카자흐스탄 Kazakhstan 역사, 드라마 Historical Drama | 115 min 감독 Director Slambek Tauekel
- 이 영화는 전 세계의 이민자들에게 헌정된 작품으로, 카자흐스탄의 약속의 땅(The Promised Land)에 감사의 마음을 전한다. 풍부한 문화와 민족적 다양성을 부여하며 오늘날의 카자흐스탄이 있게 된 배경으로, 1930년대 극동, 코카서스, 볼가 지역에서 강제 추방된 무고한 사람들의 집이 되어준 카자흐스탄의 이야기를 그린다. The film tells the story of members of different ethnic groups that were deported to Kazakhstan in the 1930s from the Far East, the Caucasus and the Volga region. Overcoming hardships, they contributed to the rich cultural and ethnic diversity of the land and helped make Kazakhstan the country it is today. For these people, the ancient Kazakh land has truly become a promised land.
The Korea Foundation cordially invites you to the KF Global Film Week at the KF Global Center.
Screening Dates in April
April 3, 10, 17, 23-24 at 7:30 p.m.
Please refer to the screening schedule below for further details. and note that all film screenings in April are presented in their original language(s) with Korean subtitles only.
Seminar Room, KF Global Center
Screening Schedule
Screening Schedule
Screening Date |
Film Title |
April 3 (Wed), 7:30 p.m. |
The Arts of Doston Narration in Uzbekistan (2017)
- ary, 40 min
- Language: Uzbek, Russian
- Subtitles: Korean - Rating: General |
April 10 (Wed), 7:30 p.m. |
Tajik Textile Crafts (2017)
- ary, 40 min
- Language: Tajik, Russian
- Subtitles: Korean - Rating: General |
April 17 (Wed), 7:30 p.m. |
Rituals Dedicated to Children (2017)
- ary, 32 min
- Language: Kyrgyz, Russian
- Subtitles: Korean - Rating: General |
April 23 (Tue), 7:30 p.m. |
Walnut Tree (2016)
- Kazakhstan, Thriller, 92 min
- Language: Kazakh, Russian
- Subtitles: Korean - Rating: PG-13 |
April 24 (Wed), 7:30 p.m. |
The Promised Land (2011)
- Kazakhstan, History, Drama, 115 min
- Language: Kazakh, Russian
- Subtitles: Korean - Rating: PG-13 |
If you would like to attend any of the screenings, please visit the Korea Foundation’s website at en.kf.or.kr. From Monday, March 25 (2:00 p.m.), to Sunday, March 31 (6:00 p.m.), you can reserve tickets for each screening under KF Global Center > KF Global Arts > Movies.
Please submit your name and contact details as well as the number of seats you would like to book. Please note that the venue has room for 35 persons and a maximum of 2 seats can be reserved per person.
Reservations will be accepted on random basis. Confirmed ticket holders will be notified individually on Monday, April 1, after 3:00 p.m. via the contact number filled in on the application form.
- Please check each film’s rating before applying for tickets.
- For additional information, please contact us at 02-2151-6542 or send us an email to screening@kf.or.kr.
- Since we can only offer a limited number of seats to the general public, please only reserve tickets for screenings you are sure to attend and avoid overbooking the same film. b you not be able to attend a screening you reserved tickets for, please contact us to cancel your reservation so that others can attend in your stead. Please note that ticket holders failing to attend without prior notice are subject to refusal of admission for future events.
- Please avoid arriving late or cancelling on short notice. Please note that we do not provide food or beverages and that only resealable bottles are permitted.
- Please use public transportation as the KF cannot provide free parking.