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The 10th Korea-Japan Forum

  • Date Sep 06, 2002
The 10th Korea-Japan Forum will be held in Kanazawa, Japan, on September 6-9, with the participation of 45 representatives from the two countries, under the co-sponsorship of the Foundation and Japan Center for International Exchange (President: Yamamoto Tadashi). The two delegations, led by Choi Kwang-soo and Owada Hisashi, will discuss "Korea-Japan Exchange and Cooperation after World Cup 2002," "Socio-Political and Economic Developments in Japan & Korea," "Future of Korea-Japan Economic Cooperation," "The Rise of China and Future of the Asia Pacific Region," and A Vision of Korea-Japan Relations for the Next Decade. Of particular note, during this 10th forum, Opening Remarks will be delivered under the theme of Looking Back on the Relationships of the Last Decade: Further Developments and Future Tasks by the two Chairmen


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