To encourage the publication of Korea-related books in non-Korean languages, the Korea Foundation provides financial support for the publication of Korea-related books by publishers worldwide.
As such, the plan for support for the first half of 2010 is specified as below; we ask prospective institutions to carefully review the guideline and submit the application accordingly.
Overseas presses (not individual authors) are eligible to apply.
Support categories
ㆍBooks on Korea in the humanities, social sciences, or culture and arts fields, in languages other than Korean;
ㆍSingle-author or multiple-author works, edited volumes of collected essays, or translations of books or anthologies (For translations, copyright arrangements should be already completed.)
* The following will be excluded for support.
ㆍConference proceedings and programs
ㆍPeriodicals, including special issues
ㆍAnthologies in which previously published articles and essays account for more than 50 percent of overall content;
ㆍMuseum pamphlets, guidebooks and floor plans
ㆍTranslations when the publisher has not yet been determined
ㆍWorks that could feasibly be published on a commercial basis
ㆍTranslations of literary works
Grant amount
Up to US$10,000. Assistance is provided on a cost-sharing basis, and funds are remitted upon publication.
Grant period
Publication should be completed within 12 months of the date of notification of support
Application procedures
ㆍApplication deadlines: March 31
ㆍResult notification: May
Evaluation criteria
ㆍAbility of writer
ㆍQuality of manuscript
ㆍSignificance of publication
ㆍUsefulness of publication
ㆍAppropriateness of amount requested budget planning
Application ation
ㆍApplication form (supplied by the Foundation)
ㆍAbstract of manuscript, table of contents, and a copy of full manuscript
ㆍStatement explaining the significance and expected impact of the publication
ㆍTwo peer reviews
ㆍResume of author (or editor, compiler or translator, as appropriate)
ㆍPublisher's past accomplishments and future plans with regard to Korea-related publications
ㆍMarketing and distribution plans
ㆍFor translations, a letter from the author of the work giving the applicant permission to translate it into Korean
Media Department
Tel: (82-2) 2151-6546
Fax: (82-2) 2151-6592