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Announcements > 상세화면

Reader′s Feedback on Koreana 2011 (English / Japanese / Chinese / Arabic)

  • Date Nov 10, 2011





The Korea Foundation is conducting a survey of the readers of our KOREANA publication, in an effort to improve its overall quality, appeal, and relevance, based on reader feedback. KOREANA, a quarterly publication of the Korea Foundation, is intended to enhance understanding and awareness of Korea by introducing Korea’s culture and arts to the international community. 


Of note, your responses and comments will be used only for statistical purposes in a collective manner by the Foundation. No information about an individual and your responses will be disclosed, in accordance with the confidentiality provisions of the Statistical Law of Korea. Your responses and input will be carefully evaluated by the Foundation so that we can strive to improve the quality of this publication and the relevance of its contents.


Please return the completed form by e-mail (koreana@kf.or.kr) after downloading the  survey form as attached. All respondents will receive a set of 2 ary DVDs on Korean culture, “The Arch of Enlightenment(Gwanghwamun)” and “Korean Master Chefs” as a gesture of our appreciation. Thank you for your time and input. 

* For any inquiries, please contact: Korea Foundation ☏ 82-2-2151-6544, e-mail: koreana@kf.or.kr 


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