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Announcements > 상세화면

[Confirmation of Attendees] KF Gallery Open Stage 5 - Duo Concert

  • Date Oct 23, 2012

Thank you for your interest in attending the Gallery Open Stage (5) “50th Anniversary of Korea-Chile Diplomatic Relations: Duo Concert” to be held at the KF Cultural Center Gallery, on October 26, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.

Unfortunately, we are not able to accept any more requests for attendance at the upcoming performance due to the limited seating capacity of our gallery space.

In any case, we are pleased to confirm the following attendees and number of seat reservations for this performance, as indicated in the listing below.

Attendees are asked to arrive at the KF Cultural Center Gallery 30 minutes prior to concert start time, so that you can check in with the information desk.

If your reservation is confirmed but you are not able to attend the event, please contact us (kfcenter@kf.or.kr) as soon as possible so that your tickets can be allocated to another applicant. If you do not contact us to cancel your reservation, the KF Cultural Center reserves the right to lower your priority for the allocation of tickets to future events.

Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please contact us at (02) 2151-6520 or by e-mail: kfcenter@kf.or.kr.

Name Ticket Phone
Name Ticket Phone
Name Ticket Phone
강극순 2 2326 배홍균 2 7550 장혜진 2 4506
곽지원 2 1857 백연화 2 8414 전재갑 2 2000
권혁 2 1831 변성례 2 0461 전현미 2 8665
김경숙 2 4842 서혜진 1 1176 정궁 2 0577
김경종 2 2962 성현희 2 5209 조영선 2 2111
김기용 2 4680 손현 2 8767 조혜진 2 4539
김민수 2 0270 송병화 2 2753 최문선 2 4205
김민철 2 7018 안옥자 2 1399 최문희 2 5440
김선애 2 7304 오민예 2 4786 최재원 2 7474
김수경 2 3975 윤지연 2 7823 최준식 2 7266
김유리 2 0793 이민화 2 0712 최중매 2 8034
김은영 2 8053 이상근 2 7122 추광선 2 1952
김은정 2 7170 이서형 2 7502 하인숙 2 2429
김은화 2 3635 이슬 2 7830 홍경희 2 1301
김종원 2 1159 이승호 2 7174 홍수의 2 3855
김주아 2 0949 이은지 2 7610 홍영주 2 0320
김현숙 2 2527 이재숙 2 7050 홍춘미 2 1378
김혜균 2 7174 이정선 2 3577 황혜정 2 7335
김혜진 2 5802 이정은 2 1923 Genaro Ambia Minero 2 680
로렌시나 화란트 리 2 4225 이종운 2 3114 Kasia 2 6392
민병대 2 922 이주옥 2 9685 Maria Charmaine Guevara 2 2164
민선근 2 9343 이주호 2 6423 Rita Barbieri 2 1282
박경진 2 6010 이지연 2 1070 SHEN MIN 2 5199
박찬홍 2 7440 이창열 2 6265 Vladimir 2 0299
박현숙 1 2269 이혜원 1 0910 Yves Lansac 2 7065
박희숙 2 0073 장광자 2 5770


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