Awardees for the 2013 Fellowship for Field Research |
No. |
field of research |
name |
country |
position |
institution |
research title |
fellowship period (month) |
1 |
sociology |
Park, Hong-Jae |
New Zealand |
조교수(Lecturer) |
The University of Auckland, School of Counselling, Human Services and Social Work |
현대적 의미의 효 - 동서양의 가치와 실천의 결합을 통한 새로운 효 개념과 정책적, 실천적 방안의 제시 ("Filiality": An Integrated Concept of Care and Respect for Older People in the East and the West - Implications for Social Policy and Practice) |
4 |
2 |
communication |
Huang, Yi-Chih |
Taiwan |
박사과정(Ph.D. Candidate) |
Graduate Institute of East Asia Studies, National Chengchi University |
′문화′는 비즈니스인가?: 대만과 한국의 텔레비전 프로 제작 산업의 비교 연구 (1990~2012) (National Policies, Industry Structure, and Performance: a Comparison of the Broadcasting Industry in Taiwan and South Korea) |
2 |
3 |
art (history) |
Jungmann, Burglind |
Germany |
정교수(Full Professor) |
University of California, Los Angeles, Dept of Art History |
신사임당: 근현대 여성 화가의 일과 생활 (Sin Saimdang: the Reception of the Life and Work of a Female Painter in Early Modern, Modern, and Contemporary Korea) |
4 |
4 |
history |
Kim, Alexander |
Russia |
조교수(Assitant Professor) |
Primorye State Agricultural Academy |
발해와 발해유민 (Bohai and Bohai Population after 926) |
6 |
5 |
communication |
Gladkikh, Natalia |
Russia |
조교수(Assistant Professor) |
Dept. of Marketing and Advertising, Russian State University for the Humanities |
대한민국에서의 공익광고 발전 단계별 특징 분석 (The System Analysis of the Features of Public Service Advertising Development in South Korea) |
5 |
6 |
archeology |
Davey, Jack |
United States |
박사과정(Ph.D. Candidate) |
Dept. of Archaeology, University of California Los Angeles |
철기시대의 죽음 의례와 국가형성 (Mortuary Ritual and State Formation in Early Iron Age Korea) |
6 |
7 |
sociology |
McGinnis, Hollee |
United States |
박사과정(Ph.D. Candidate) |
George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in St.Louis |
한국에서 성년이 되기: 고아, 입양아와 가족 (Coming of Age in South Korea: Orphans, Adoptees and the Family) |
6 |
8 |
language, linguistics |
Nghiem, Thi Thu Huong |
Vietnam |
조교수 (Assistant Professor) |
Korean Department, Hanoi University |
한국어의 시간표현 연구 및 베트남어와의 대조 |
6 |
9 |
literature |
Smith, Deborah |
Great Britain |
박사과정(Ph.D. Candidate) |
The School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London |
현실은 한국현대문학에서 어떻게 재현되고 있는가? (Representing Reality in Contemporary Korean Literature) |
3 |
10 |
economics |
Fukuoka, Masaaki |
Japan |
조교수(Assistant Professor) |
Faculty of Economics, Doshisha University |
한국고도경제성장의 국제적인 연관과 역사성에 관한 연구-한국 화학섬유 산업을 중심으로 (A Study of Interdependence and Historicity of Rapid Economic Growth in South Korea : The Case of Chemical Fiber Industry) |
6 |
11 |
politics, international relations |
Yashima, Kenichiro |
Japan |
박사과정(Ph.D. Candidate) |
Political Science, Boston University |
한국 지방재정의 결정요인: 1968-2007 (Determinants of Local Public Finance in South Korea from 1968 to 2007) |
5 |
12 |
social welfare |
Tian, Xianlan |
China |
부교수 (Associate Professor) |
Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences |
한국의 노인복지서비스 제공실태와 중한비교연구 (The Present Situation of Korean Elderly Welfare Service and a Comparative study of China and Korea) |
6 |
13 |
education |
Lee, Moo Sung |
China |
부교수 (Associate Professor) |
Faculty of Education, Hong Kong University |
한국 사회의 알려지지 않은 아웃라이어: 저소득 다문화가정 청소년의 학업성공에 관하여 (Uncharted "Outliers" in Korean Society: Decoding Academic Success of Adolescents from Low-Income Multicultural Family in Korea) |
5 |
14 |
politics, international relations |
Olivares, Eduardo |
Chile |
박사과정(Ph.D. Candidate) |
맨체스터 대학교 사회과학대학 정치학과(Politics, School of Social Science,the University of Manchester |
민주주의 발전도상국에서의 정당체계 제도화 (Party System Institutionalization among Developing Democracies) |
4 |
15 |
language, linguistics |
Khan, Nelly |
Kazakhstan |
박사과정(Ph.D. Candidate) |
Postgraduate School, Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages |
한국어와 러시아어의 Speech Stereotypes (Speech Streotypes of Korean and Russian) |
6 |
16 |
sociology |
Yem, Natalya |
Kazakhstan |
정교수(Full Professor) |
Faculty for Oriental Studies, Department for Korean Studies, Al-Farabi Kazafh University |
한국에서의 국제결혼을 통한 포스트소비에트 공간의 문화적 통합 방안 (우즈베키스탄과 카자흐스탄의 사례를 중심으로) (Ways of Cultural Integration in the Post-Soviet Space in a Intermarriage in South Korea (on the Example of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan)) |
6 |
17 |
communication |
Raju, Zakir Hossain |
Australia |
부교수 (Associate Professor) |
Dept. of Media and Communication, Independent University, Bangladesh(IUB) |
자유로서의 디지털?: 한국과 방글라데시 디지털 영화 비교연구 (Digitality as Freedom?: A Comparative Study on South Korean and Bangladeshi Digital Cinema) |
5 |