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Support for Korean Studies e-Resources (2015)

  • Date Jan 16, 2015

Support for Korean Studies e-Resources (2015)

1. Program ive
In response to the fast-growing significance of online resources for the advancement of Korea-related scholarship, the Korea Foundation offers a “Support for Korean Studies e-Resources” program. Under this program, the Foundation provides cost-sharing assistance to selected universities and libraries to reduce the costs of subscription/user fees required to access online Korean Studies resources so that these materials can be more readily available to Korea-related students, scholars, and relevant specialists.

2. Eligible Institutions

  • 1) Libraries at four-year university institutions abroad that maintain a Korean Studies or Korean-language center, department, or program, or an East Asian studies program.
  • 2) University/College Libraries or Public Libraries/Institutions that provide services for Korea-related students, scholars, and relevant specialists who could benefit from broadened access to such online resources.

3. Program Support

  • 1) The program extends support to recipient institutions equal to 50% of the subscription/user fees required to access Korean Studies e-resources.
    • → The Foundation will determine the program support amount after evaluating the applicant’s circumstances in regard to the Selection Criteria 7.below.
  • 2) The maximum program support per library is up to US$5,000.
  • 3) Program support is provided for a period of 12 months.
  • 4) Applicable Korean Studies e-resources include online databases, e-journals, e-books, and related online resources maintained by public institutions and private parties. Examples of popular Korean Studies databases include:
  • ■ e-Korean Studies consortium DB
    • - KISS, KSI e-book, KoreaA2Z, Kdatabase, KPjournal, Korean History & Culture Research Database, Legal Information Service)
  • ■ Kyobo Books Scholar
  • ■ earticle.net
  • ■ Hakjisa Newnonmun
  • ■ Nurimedia: DBpia/KRpia
  • ■ Korea Education Research Information Service (KERIS) RISS International, etc.
* The subscription fee negotiations with the DB vendors should be finalized before the application

4. Application Procedures

  • 1) Applications for 2015 program support must be completed and submitted to the Foundation at <http://apply.kf.or.kr>
    • • Click the “Application” link below and complete the application form.
    • The “Application” link is operational only during the application period.
    • • In addition to the application form, applicants should download the proposal form and specify the supplemental information about the university’s Korean Studies program, number of Korean Studies undergraduate/graduate students, faculty members, and research staff, along with a list of the proposed DB resources and related fee amounts.
  • Notes:
    • - The application materials must be submitted in Korean or English.
      - If it is not possible for you to submit the application form online because of a lack of Internet access, please notify the Foundation at least one week prior to the submission deadline (e-resources@kf.or.kr) to arrange for the submission of your application by e-mail or other means.
      - Actual subscription fee amounts for each proposed DB resource must be indicated in the program application.
  • 2) Deadline for submission of application: February 15, 2015
    • * The subscription fee negotiations with the DB vendors should be finalized before the application.
  • 3) Notification of selected recipients: March 2015
    • The results of the Korea Foundation’s evaluation process will be posted on "My project-application status" of the portal (http://apply.kf.or.kr), in addition to an e-mail notification sent to each applicant institution.

5. Selection Criteria

  • 1) Scale of the applicant’s Korean Studies program, in terms of number of undergraduate/graduate students and faculty members.
  • 2) Extent of usage of Korean Studies e-resources (number of resources, users, and frequency).
  • 3) Equitable allocation of program support, in terms of geographical regions and individual institutions.
    • → Current program recipients are required to submit the 2014 e-Resource Support Program Annual Report in order to be considered for 2015 support.

For any questions about this program or the application procedures, please contact the Korea Foundation:

-E-mail: e-resources@kf.or.kr
-Phone: +82-2-2151-6526
-Address: Digital Programs & Media Department, The Korea Foundation
19th Fl., CENTER1 Building West Tower, 26 Eulji-ro 5-gil, Jung-gu
Seoul 100-210, KOREA

Go to KF Application Portal


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