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Immersive Exhibitions

Metaverse Exhibition "Digital Dillemas"
Metaverse Exhibition "Digital Dillemas"
  • Period May 06, 2024 - May 31, 2024
  • Time 24 hours
  • Place KF Global Center Metaverse (www.kf.or.kr/metaverse)
  • Price Admission free
  • Hosting Korea Foundation
  • Inquiry kf_xrgallery@kf.or.kr

The Korea Fountaion, in collaboration with wht  Embassy of Switzerland in korea and the international Committee of the Red Cross(ICRC), hosts an online exhibition titled 'Digital Dilemmas' in the KF Global Center Metaverse,  as part of the 2024 Swiss-korean innovation Week ( www.kf.or.kr/metaverse ) Digital Dilemmas provides an opporunity of contemplation and reflextion from a humanitarian perspective on the emerging risks that people may face due to the increased digitalization, in the context of natural or human-made crises

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