Exhibition of Photographer Davide Bramante:
No East No West
An exhibition of photographs by Davide Bramante, titled No East No West, will be held at the KF Gallery on June 17–July 6, 2016. Bramante started out as an installation artist, but is now thriving as a photographer and video artist.
This exhibition features images of unique sites in Korea’s Seoul and Busan, as well as Milan, New York, Rome, Florence, and Hong Kong, which have been taken during Bramante’s travels around the world. Bramante’s multiple exposure technique produces dramatic images that include seemingly mobile subjects, including works measuring as much as 2.7 meters in width.
For information on supplemental programs and events related to this exhibition, please refer to the KF website (www.kf.or.kr) and the KF Gallery’s Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/koreafou
Special Photography Event to Improve Your Photo 
To enrich the cultural experiences of people, the KF Gallery and Canon have collaborated to offer a special event on photography. The session will introduce various photographic techniques, including the multiple-exposure images d by Davide Bramante, along with providing know-how so that you can develop your own photography techniques and style. If your photos too often leave you disappointed, this event’s professional photographer will provide you with useful information and practical pointers to improve your photography.