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Events to Celebrate the KFVN's 15th Anniversary

Events to Celebrate the KFVN's 15th Anniversary

To celebrate the KFVN’s 15th anniversary, the World Activity Class prepared a special rendition of its “Meeting the World in Korea” program. The first session involved a program titled “World Exploration through Children’s Stories with International Residents,” which recruited volunteers from the United States, Vietnam, Spain, Jordan, Italy, and Peru to read stories to the children. For the second session, the children formed groups that d drawings of the food, clothing, and fairy tales of various countries, which were later presented to the class. In the third session, everyone visited the KF Gallery to view the exhibition Encounter the World through Children’s Books.
  One mother said that her daughter has attended the “Meeting the World in Korea” sessions since she was in preschool, while adding: “It’s so much fun for her that she keeps talking about it even after getting home. I hope more parents find out about this program.” One mother, who came all the way from Daejeon, expressed her hopes of having similar programs in the provinces outside of Seoul.
  In addition, the Education and Publicity Team organized a photo exhibition to commemorate the 15 years of the KFVN’s valuable contributions, which included photo sites where children could actively take part in the event. The KFVN pledges to continue its efforts to contribute to the KF’s vision of helping the Korean people to communicate with people from around the world.

KFVN Reporter Kim Kang-hee


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