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The KF Global Challengers Program

The KF Global Challengers Program

KF Museum Internship Program

For the past three months of my extended internship, as opposed to the previous six months of doing research on the museum’s collections, I served as an administrative assistant for the international relations department and the arts and sciences department. Related to this assignment, I helped with the setup work and translation for Korean artists who are participating in Megacities Asia, an exhibition that highlights the modern art works of artists from Seoul, Korea, Shanghai and Beijing in China, Mumbai, India, and other emerging metropolises in Asia. I also worked on company research, visitor information, and collection descriptions for corporate visits by Korean executives. Furthermore, I attended the 2016 Asia Week New York, an exhibition of galleries in Korea, China, and Japan, and met with various Korean, Chinese, and Japanese curators and professionals as part of an auction for Chinese ceramics.
   To help viewers better understand its collections, the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, offers gallery talk and spotlight talk programs, which allow visitors to interact freely with museum personnel. At a spotlight talk that focused on Korea’s Goryeo celadon, one visitor remarked: “I’ve been coming to this museum for 30 years, but this was the first talk on Korean art, so I made sure to set aside the time,” which gave me a surprising and satisfying experience.

  • home  Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
  • date  Kang Min-joo

KF Overseas Think Tank Internship Program

Since its establishment in 1922, the Chicago Council on Global Affairs (CCGA) has worked to improve public understanding of key political, economic, and social issues, while exercising considerable influence on the media and diplomatic policy. Its influence encompasses not only Chicago and the Midwestern United States but CCGA also delves into key issues of global concern. Thus, the CCGA presents a variety of opportunities for anyone interested in global affairs and international developments. As an intern of the Global Cities team, I perform research concerning urban political economies, facilitate discourse through its program and forum, and discuss various related issues. My research particularly focused on the political, economic, and social developments and situations occurring within and among such global cities as New York, London, and Tokyo.
   The CCGA system requires individuals to actively promote their research findings through publishing, lecture presentations, and social media. I was afraid that communication in an environment that stresses individual autonomy and self-motivation would be difficult, but I learned that individuals performing their respective duties can contribute to a well-oiled mechanism that operates smoothly.
   The CCGA operates several educational programs to promote public awareness of important issues. Renowned experts from various branches of the social sciences visit to participate in lectures and talks. Interested parties can volunteer to be program supporters or sign up to be on the guest list for a lecture or panel discussion event, one of the nice perks of working here.

  • home  Chicago Council on Global Affairs
  • date  Hanee Chang


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