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[Infographic] Export of Korean Content in First Half of 2020

 KF Features  > [Infographic] Export of Korean Content in First Half of 2020
[Infographic] Export of Korean Content in First Half of 2020

The export of Korean content in the first half of 2020 is estimated to have brought in around USD 5.08 billion, up 4.8 percentage points from the first half of 2019. Export increased in such categories as cartoons, games, knowledge and information, and the content solutions industry, whereas it dropped in publishing, music, film, animation, broadcasting, advertisement, and the character industry.

Compared to the second half of 2019, the export of cartoons in the first half of 2020 rose by 34 percent; that of film by 28.5 percent; and that of games by 0.9 percent. However, compared to the first half of 2019, export in the first half of 2020 declined markedly in mostly different categories, with film showing the biggest drop of 54.8 percent, followed by animation (38 percent) and advertisement (25.1 percent).

Games formed the largest portion of exported Korean content in the first half of 2020, accounting for 72.4 percent of total exports, followed by the character industry (6.9 percent), knowledge and information (6.6 percent), and music (4.5 percent).


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